Our HistoryRealtime Reporters was founded in 1999 to provide court reporting services throughout West Virginia and in southeastern Ohio and northern Kentucky. Since 1999, we have added many additional services and products to our array of services, including realtime reporting (CaseViewNET, LiveNote, RealLegal Binder, Summation), video and digital photo services (depositions, playback, digitizing, synchronizing with the transcript, day-in-the-life, settlement videos, evidentiary videos, etc.), trial presentation services (electronic presentation of evidence using TrialDirector), mobile and direct videoconferencing (Polycom multipoint conferencing, Remote Counsel and MIVNET), photocopying and scanning services, and Internet deposition services. We also offer nationwide scheduling with over 100 offices nationwide at our disposal.
Full Service
We are a full-service court-reporting firm. We are big enough to handle your largest matters, but small enough to know you. Our passion is court reporting. We are here to stay.
Are you using a full-service firm? If not, ask yourself these questions: Does your court reporter work out of her or his home (not employed by a full-service firm)? If the answer is yes, read on. What happens if your court reporter goes on vacation and you need a transcript filed? Or you need her notes transcribed in a hurry? Or you need a copy of the witness’ errata sheet? If your reporter is on vacation, would you be stuck? What would you say to your client? Doesn’t your client deserve better than this? Are you able to “reach” your court reporter when you need her? Or do you have to leave a message on her machine because she’s at another deposition and doesn’t have an office staff? What if you need something and you need it now?! You may say, "Well, she checks her messages at breaks and returns my calls." But what if your need can’t wait until her depo is over? What if something needs to be filed by the end of the day? |
AvailabilityOur staff is available to you at any time. We have a knowledgeable office staff answering our telephones from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST. When our offices are closed, we have a voicemail system to receive your call with the telephone numbers of staff members happy to assist you after hours. We also make all of your case documents and calendar available online, so that you can get access to them from anywhere, at any time.
When you hire Realtime Reporters, you get an accurate, reliable professional at your service. Our staff has an average of over 20 years of experience and our reporters hold various NCRA certifications such as CLVS, RPR, RMR, CRR, RPR. We are a full-service court reporting firm able to accommodate your small intimate deposition or your large mass litigation needs. Call or email us today for more information. |